

A0012 セルフタッピングインプラントでは即時荷重が可能

Orthodontics, November 30, 2009-Vol 23 No 03
04 Self-Tapping Implants Can Be Loaded Immediately


あなたは矯正治療にミニインプラントアンカレッジを使用しているか? 私が考えるに,今日では多くの矯正歯科医はミニインプラントをとても有用であるととらえている.ミニインプラントによって,難易度の高い不正咬合においても矯正治療の可能性は広がった.さて患者にミニインプラントを埋入する時、埋入を矯正歯科医が行うにせよ口腔外科医が行うにせよ、いつインプラントに荷重をかけ始めるのだろうか? 埋入したインプラントのタイプによって違いはあろうが,今はある特定のタイプのインプラントについて話したい.これから話すインプラントのタイプはセルフタッピングインプラントである.このインプラントはパイロットホールをドリルする必要が無い.ではこのインプラントを用いた場合,即時荷重を行うのか? あるいは待つべきか? 動物実験による組織学的研究結果があればその判断の助けとなるだろう. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants の2009年9月号に公表された研究論文にその答えがある.現在のところミニインプラントの荷重に関してはまだ混乱があるので、この論文は今月号のPractical Reviews in Orthodontics の中でも特に価値のある論文だ.タイトルは「矯正用ミニインプラント埋入後の荷重までの期間による影響」であり,筆頭著者は韓国・ソウルのYonsei大学のDr.Chaである.


「早く加重しなさい」ということだ.実際のところ、セルフタッピングインプラントにおいてインプラントへの早期荷重はインプラント周囲の骨形成を増進させる.インプラントが周囲骨に圧力をかけるので,その力に抵抗するためにインプラント表面に向かって骨が形成されるためである.セルフタッピングインプラントの荷重タイミングに関するこの論文に興味があるなら、International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants の2009年9月号を参照されたい.

Do you use mini-implants for added anchorage during your orthodontic treatment? Today, I think that many orthodontists have sound these adjuncts to orthodontic anchorage are very useful. They do broaden the possibilities for orthodontic treatment in many difficult malocclusions. So as a mini-implant were placed in your patient, either by you or oral surgeon, when would you load that implant? Now there are some differences depending upon the type of implant placed, but let me refer to a specific type of implant. I’m referring to a self tapping implant. This is an implant where a pilot hole doesn’t need be drilled. So in these individuals do you load the implant immediately or should you wait? Are there any histologic result in experimental animals? They would help you make a decision. The answers to both these questions can be found in a study with published in a September 2009 issue of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants. Because there is some confusion about implant loading of mini-implants, I thought this would be a great article for rest review on this month issue of Practical Reviews in Orthodontics. The title of this article is “Influence of the length of the loading period after placement of orthodontic mini-implants”. The read arthor is Dr. Cha from Yonsei university in soul korea.

The purpose of this study was to investigate morphologic changes in the peri-implant bone after mini-implant placement and compare the osseous suport of the immediate and early loaded sites as measured histomorphometrically. In order to accomplish this project, the authors utilized beagle dogs as their experimental model. Total of 48 orthodontic mini-implants were placed in a mandibular buccal jaw bone of eight experimental animals. In some of these animals the force was applied immediately, in others a three weeks period between placement and loading occur, and finally there was a group of implants where no loading was applied to these implants. The orthodontic force were somewhere between 250 and 300 grams and it was applied for periods of three weeks, six weeks and twelve weeks before histologic evaluation.

OK, I think you get the idea of the experiment. When the authors harvest the implants in evaluated bone around these implants in the immediate loading compared to the early loading groups, what did they find when they compared it to the control animals with no loading? In the other words, were there any differences if you wait rather than immediately road a self tapping implant? And the answer that question is No. Based upon the histologic analysis, the authors found that the bone to implant contact in both experimental groups was identical, except at twelve weeks interval. At three weeks and six weeks there were no differences in bone volume percentages between the immediate and early loading groups. So, what is this tell you? Load implants early. In fact in a self tapping implant, early loading of the implant actually enhances the bone formation around the implant. Because of the implant put pressure on the adjacent bone, the body tend to lay down bone against the implants surface to resist the force. So if you are interested in reviewing the study on a timing of loading self tapping implants, you can find it in a September 2009 issue of the international journal of Oral and maxillofacial implants.

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